This document is an electronic record in terms of Information
Technology Act, 2000 and rules there under as applicable and the
amended provisions pertaining to electronic records in various
statutes as amended by the Information Technology Act, 2000.
This electronic record is generated by a computer system and
does not require any physical or digital signatures.
This document is published in accordance with the provisions of
Rule 3 (1) of the Information Technology (Intermediaries
guidelines) Rules, 2011 that require publishing the rules and
regulations, privacy policy and Terms of Use for access or usage
of the Client OTT Platform and the Client and its affiliates
respect your privacy.
This Privacy Policy describes in brief the manner in which your
data is collected and used by the Client OTT Platform. You are
advised to please read the Privacy Policy carefully. By accessing
the Client OTT platform, you agree to the collection and use of
your data by Client OTT platform in the manner provided in this
Privacy Policy.
For this purpose, the terms “We”, “us” shall mean and include
Client OTT platform, Client
For this purpose, the term Client mean any entity or individual
registering with M/s. Ally Blocksecure Media Private
Limited (TheAlly) as a client.
For this purpose, the term “you” shall mean and include any user
registered or using Client OTT platform.
For this purpose, the term Client OTT platform shall mean the OTT
platform created by the Client through the White Labelled OTT
platform offered or provided by M/s. Ally Blocksecure Media
Private Limited (TheAlly)
For this purpose, the term “White Labelled OTT platform” shall
mean the OTT platform developed and offered by M/s. Ally
Blocksecure Media Private Limited (TheAlly)
• Feel comfortable using the Client OTT platform
• Feel reasonably secure submitting information to us
• Contact us with your questions or concerns about privacy with
respect to Client OTT platform
• By accessing, browsing, registering using the Client OTT
platform, you consent to the collection of Sensitive Personal Data
or Information (SPDI), Personal Information
Rule 3(b)- Information Technology (Intermediary Guidelines and
Digital Media Ethics Code) Rules, 2021
The Client herein informs you that in case of any non-compliance
to this Privacy Policy, the Client shall the right to terminate
the access or usage rights- Client OTT platform
Rule 3 (f)- Information Technology (Intermediary Guidelines and
Digital Media Ethics Code) Rules, 2021
The Client shall inform you regarding any changes in this Privacy
Policy periodically or once a year as the case may be.
We will automatically receive and collect certain anonymous
information in standard usage logs:
• an IP address, assigned to
the computer which you use
• the domain server through
which you access our service
• the type of computer
you're using
• the type of web/ device
browser you're using
• the device ids and other
We may collect the following sensitive personal data or
information (SPDI), Personal Information about you through the
Client OTT platform:
• Name
• Email id
• Contact No
• Password
• Name- if it has any
Personal Information, Sensitive Personal Data or Personal
while using Video Upload Name option
• Title, description- video-
if it has any Personal Information, Sensitive Personal Data or
Personal Information
• Site Page Title, Meta
Description, Keyword- if it has any Personal Information,
Sensitive Personal Data or Personal Information- SEO Settings
• Uid
• Name- while making use of
Select Tag Option
• Poster, Banner images- if
it has any Personal Information, Sensitive Personal Data or
Personal Information
• Name- if it has any
Personal Information, Sensitive Personal Data or Personal
Information- while making use of Video content option
• Partner details, title,
description, you tube trailer link- if it has any Personal
Information, Sensitive Personal Data or Personal Information-
while making use of add video option
• Page Title, Meta
Description, Keywords- if it has any Personal Information,
Sensitive Personal Data or Personal Information- while making use
of Video SEO option
• Video Thumbnails- if it
has any Personal Information, Sensitive Personal Data or Personal
• Ticket id- while issuing
tickets for any events through the White Labelled OTT platform
• Contract Address- if it
has any Personal Information, Sensitive Personal Data or Personal
• Subscription Address- if
it has any Personal Information, Sensitive Personal Data or
Personal Information
• Name, Link, Meeting Name,
Description, Video, Audio, Display Name - if it has any Personal
Information, Sensitive Personal Data or Personal Information-
while making use of Live Meetings option
• Name, Catalogue Carousal,
Stack Name- if it has any Personal Information, Sensitive Personal
Data or Personal Information
• Product Name, Product
Summary - if it has any Personal Information, Sensitive Personal
Data or Personal Information
• Name of the Video- if it
has any Personal Information, Sensitive Personal Data or Personal
Information- while making use of Player Content Insight
• Name, Content- if it has
any Personal Information, Sensitive Personal Data or Personal
Information- while making use of Articles, blogs option
Some of your sensitive personal data or information may be
collected, received, possessed, stored, dealt with or handled by
the Client.
We will collect anonymous traffic information from you when you
access the Client OTT platform.
We use your sensitive personal data or information (SPDI),
Personal Information submitted to us through the Client OTT
platform for
• Improving Customer
• Personalizing user
• For login purposes
• For enabling you to
create, manage OTT platform- Client OTT platform
We may also use your sensitive personal information to:
• help us provide personalized features
• tailor the Client OTT platform to your interest
• to get in touch with you or contact you when necessary
• to preserve social history as governed by existing law or policy
Generally, we use anonymous traffic information to:
• remind us of who you are in order to deliver to you a better and
more personalized service;
• recognize your access privileges to the Client OTT platform
The sensitive personal data or information may be disclosed to any
person, if such disclosure is required for a lawful purpose
connected with a function or activity of Client OTT platform
The sensitive personal data or information may be disclosed, where
the disclosure is necessary for compliance of a legal
We do not rent, sell, publish or share your sensitive personal
data and we will not disclose any of your personally identifiable
information unless:
• we have your permission
• to help investigate, prevent or take action regarding unlawful
and illegal activities, suspected fraud, including cyber incidents
potential threat, punishment of offences and to the safety or
security of any person, violations of Client OTT platform’s terms
of use or to defend against legal claims;
• Special circumstances such as compliance with subpoenas, court
orders, requests/order from legal authorities or law enforcement
agencies requiring such disclosure.
Sharing your sensitive personal identifiable information is
entirely voluntary. However, you may be required to provide your
Sensitive Personal Data or Information (SPDI), Personal
Information for using the services offered through the Client OTT
To protect against the loss, misuse and alteration of the
information under our control, and to comply with Rule 8 of IT
Rules, 2011 (Reasonable security practices and procedures and
sensitive personal data or information), we have in place
appropriate physical, electronic, technical, operational and
managerial procedures.
Our servers are accessible only to authorized personnel and your
information is shared with respective personnel to complete the
transaction and to provide the services requested by you.
Although we will endeavor to safeguard the confidentiality of your
sensitive personal identifiable information, transmissions made by
means of the Internet cannot be made absolutely secure. By
browsing, accessing, using Client OTT platform in whatsoever
manner, you agree that we shall have no liability for disclosure
of your information due to errors in transmission or unauthorized
acts of third parties including any cyber-attacks.
To correct or update any information you have provided during
registration, you can update or correct the inaccuracies therein
through your registered account. However, you shall be responsible
for informing us the same.
In the event of loss of access details, you may
We reserve the right to change or update this policy at any time
by placing a prominent notice in the Client OTT
This user agreement is published and drafted in accordance &
compliance with Section 43 A of IT Act 2008, IT Rules 2011
(Intermediary guidelines) and Rule 3 (a) of Information Technology
(Intermediary Guidelines and Digital Media Ethics Code) Rules,
2021, that require intermediaries to have a user agreement
regarding sensitive personal data or information (SPDI).
By accessing or securing access, browsing, using the Client OTT
platform, you agree to the terms of the user agreement regarding
your sensitive personal data or information (SPDI).
Rule 3(b)- Information Technology (Intermediary Guidelines and
Digital Media Ethics Code) Rules, 2021
The Client herein informs you that in case of any non-compliance
to this User Agreement, the Client shall the right to terminate
the access or usage rights to White Labelled OTT platform
Rule 3 (f)- Information Technology (Intermediary Guidelines and
Digital Media Ethics Code) Rules, 2021
The Client shall inform you regarding any changes in this User
Agreement periodically or once a year as the case may be.
For the purpose of this User Agreement, the terms “You”, “I” shall
mean any user registering, browsing, accessing Client OTT
1. I understand and have the
knowledge that my sensitive personal data or information is being
2. I understand and have the
knowledge of the purpose for which my sensitive personal data or
information is collected.
3. I understand and have the
knowledge of the indented recipients of the information.
4. I understand and have the
knowledge of the name and address of the agency that is
collecting, retaining and using the information.
5. I understand that I have
the option not to provide the data or information sought to be
collected through Client OTT platform by the Client
6. I understand that I also
have an option (while filling the details through the Client OTT
platform as also using the various service options provided
thereof), to withdraw my consent given earlier to Client through
Client OTT platform and understand and accept that such withdrawal
of the consent shall be sent via email to the Grievance Officer
In accordance with Information Technology Act 2000 and rules made
there under, the name and contact details of the Grievance Officer
are provided below:
Grievance Officer: Arvind Sreenivas
Time: Mon – Fri (10.00 AM to 5:30 PM)
Information Technology (Intermediary Guidelines and Digital Media
Ethics Code) Rules, 2021.
If you are the rightful owner of the content or an affected person
and have the reason to believe that any content that has been
uploaded/contributed through Client OTT platform contravenes your
rights in violation of Rule 3 of the Information Technology
(Intermediary Guidelines) Rules, 2011, Rule 3 (b)- Information
Technology (Intermediary Guidelines and Digital Media Ethics Code)
Rules, 2021, then you may intimate the same to the Grievance
Officer in the manner explained below: -
a. Sending a request in writing or through email signed with
electronic signature identifying the content alleged to be in
infringement of your rights as the rightful owner or affecting you
b. Providing exact identification and description of the content
by giving its URL that is to be disabled, which in your view
contravenes Rule 3(2) of aforesaid Rules.
c. Giving a declaration cum undertaking along with necessary
documents establishing you
(i) as the rightful owner of the content to be disabled, or
(ii) as an affected person, and stating that the information
submitted is true, complete & accurate and no material fact
has been hidden. Further, stating to the Grievance Officer shall
not be liable in whatsoever manner for any loss or damage or claim
for relying upon the said request.
d. Your contact information like address, telephone number, email
address, etc. where you can be contacted.